Hello, 2022! Or document.write("Hello, 2022!") to those still in codeland.

Following my wrap-up of martech from 2021 — tl;dr a year in digital marketing that was experienced like a Twitch stream at 1.5X speed — let’s jump in to the martech topics I expect will shape 2022.

Now, it’s true, I’m generally quite skeptical of “predictions” and therefore reluctant to label this post as such. But since I spend my days deep in martech — long past 10,000 hours at this point — I’m happy to share the themes I see gaining momentum in our field. These are the areas I personally plan to pay close attention to in the year ahead.

As illustrated above, I see three big themes for new martech innovation in 2022:

  • Commerce, both B2C and now B2B, with more in marketing’s domain
  • Big Ops, the rapid evolution of process and technology in a digital firm
  • No Code, superpowers for non-technical and semi-technical marketers

3 Big Martech Innovation Themes in 2022 – Chief Marketing Technologist (chiefmartec.com)