By: Ana Kealy, Product Marketing Manager at EXADS

1. Google initiatives

With the digital space and ad tech evolving rapidly, there is always one force that has the power to draw the attention of everybody in the industry: Google.

In 2022, Google’s ad revenue registered a slower growth than in previous years under the pressure of its competitors and newer players. Subsequently, Google has made a few interesting announcements this year, regarding initiatives that can have a big impact on advertising. The tech giant states that all of its initiatives are aiming to improve user privacy, performance and efficiency.

One of these was the deadline extension for third cookie deprecation to the second half of 2024. Google said that it will allow developers, advertisers, marketers and regulators more time to prepare for a cookieless future. However, it seems clear that Google has not reached their goal yet with the Privacy Sandbox, and they need to work more on it.

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